【Sims4模拟人生】4口人宜居现代别墅20x30(NOCC) 兔子耳朵冻掉了 1252 0 哈尔的秘密小屋 模拟人生4速建 吉卜力工作室灵感 NoCC by the mossy sim 起来吃糖 5879 16 (中国时代家族挑战07)意外!金氏竟中美男计 1920s-1921s sims大花 921 9 【模拟人生4实况】环游世界挑战第一集:逃婚后我去了...第一站...
模拟人生4速建搬运|CC|哥本哈根公寓 Copenhagen Apartment|by Bojana Sims 又想吃螺蛳粉了 915 0 【Selina's Build】公寓、洗衣咖啡馆、酒吧和健身房| 模拟人生4 速建| No CC Kyorinagii 6125 4 模拟人生4速建|BRITISH MANOR Gothic Countryside Estate by Eva Rotky 又想吃螺蛳粉了 3640 0 [搬运]女生...
| No CC |§58677 | 1 Bedrooms | 1 Bathrooms You can watch my speedbuild YouTube video here :
房屋价格(无家具):4,890模拟币The house to the left is your sims apartment, the other two are hidden to give the appearance of other sims living there as well.左边的房子是您的模拟市民的公寓,另外两个隐藏起来,供其他模拟市民居住。 17楼2020-11-18 20:25 收起回复 ...
Pralinesims’ Miami Apartment - 迈阿密公寓 转载自The Sims Resources 原地址: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-lots-residential/title/miami-apartment/id/1303641/ 原作者: Pralinesims *需要更新到最新版模拟人生4 包含资料包: 来去上班 户外度假 完美露台 奢华派对 原作者小...
It was so much fun reading all of the stories and seeing photos in my head for the different sims. I really like the mermaid idea for this one. I downloaded a whole set of mermaid gearHERE, but it was so much harder to create a good photo. I thought that is was going to be easy...
Removed my Sims 4 folder to generate a new one So far nothing have fixed my problem with crashing. In game, all I do in place a family (i don't command them to do anything, I just let automany tell them to do things because I know it will crash) and an apartment I built and ...
先解压缩,再把Tray文件夹里的房屋文件复制到“\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray”文件夹下,Mods文件夹里的自定义物品文件复制到“\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods”文件夹下。 Unzip, and copy the house files in Tray folder into folder "\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray...
Andrew –Sims 4 Studio –reupdatedto3.2.3.2 (Star/Windows)/ (Aurora/Mac), Dec 17, own site Aramiteus (Ara) – High School More Class Mates: No Mischief – Dec 27, Nexus Astraea – No Death by Vending Machine – Dec 8 (uploaded Dec 14), CF ...
23.ONI的日本自动售货机Japanese beverage vending machine 汉化来自weilisims 24.(含汉化)SCCO 5.1.0 25.SS的功能性啤酒Functional Beer 汉化来自咩梨的果园 26.RVSN的Flood Saucer Light、Market Science Retail Stands、Trash Talk Recycler、Uplifting Elevators(这是功能性电梯,非常重要,一定要下载啊!!不然无法上...