它也可以做动词,意思是抄送(商业信件或电子邮件)。 I hate it when people cc me on emails that have nothing to do with me. 我讨厌别人把与我不相干的电子邮件抄送给我。 之前我们还说过邮件末尾经常会用到“BR”,一起复习一下这个表达。...
and add an indirect object after it. Example: Please cc all the department heads when you email the CEO. Example: Copy my secretary on all your emails to me so she can update my schedule.当一个人使用CC作为电子邮件的动词时,他们通常使用...
As a courtesy to the primary recipient, a typist would write “CC to: Name” at the end of the letter. In the computer era, the meaning of “cc” in email became a sort of “FYI.” And the term “blind carbon copy,”“blind cc,” or “bcc” was coined to indicate an email ...
A_name/B_name: 2 or 3 letter disorder codes that will be used to plot the genetic distance between cases and controls in terms of FST,causal. sumstats_fileA1A0/sumstats_fileB1B0: names of the gzip-files with case-control GWAS results. Column names should be: SNP, CHR, BP, EA, NE...
In the Stone Age, when typewriters were all the rage, carbon paper was used to make an identical copy of a typed letter. You would put two pieces of paper with a sheet of carbon paper in between to type your communication on. The Cc: noted at the bottom of the letter let the ...
Back when most communication was done on paper. If you had to create a physical copy of a letter, you had to insert something known ascarbon paperbetween two sheets of paper. With this arrangement, anything that you wrote or typed on the top sheet of paper would get imprinted through the...
That way, it was possible to send the same letter to more than one recipient. In the digital age, the meaning ofCCchanged to refer to a copy of an email—essentially, the digital equivalent of a physical carbon copy. CC’d(orCC’ed) is the past tense verb of “carbon copy.” If ...
CC stands for Carbon Copy. This acronym is a leftover one from back when people used to more frequently send physical mail. When somebody wanted to send multiple copies of the same letter to more than one person, they would add carbon paper between a stack of letters in order to copy wh...
:small_orange_diamond: tmux-cssh - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions. ▪️ Text editors :small_orange_diamond: vi - is one of the most common text editors on Unix. :small_orange_diamond: vim - is a highly configurab...
Go to the site Telegraphics scroll down to ICO Format then, on the right select either 32bit, 64bit, ot Mac depending on your PC Go to your Photoshop CC install ~ [Drive Letter]:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Plug-ins\ Creat a new folder named File Formats place the file ...