(NASDAQ: APHA) wholly-owned German subsidiary, CC Pharma GmbH ("CC Pharma"), have entered into a strategic agreement (the "Co-Promotion Agreement") covering joint marketing of sales for Aphria brand medical cannabis products for the German market. The Co-Promotion Agreement is a collaboration...
Certon Systems GmbH, Hans-Bunte-Straße 8-10, DE-69123 Heidelberg, Germany.Tel: +49 (0)6221 7590 260. Fax: +49 (0)6221 7590 261. E-Mail: info /at\ certon.de Cerwin Vega Big US loudspeaker manufacturer, active in the home, car and professional markets, now part of the Stanton...
P. Koops HaWilKo GmbH, Germany Exhibition and Poster IWCC2021-Korea provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the...
P. Koops HaWilKo GmbH, Germany Exhibition and Poster IWCC2021-Korea provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the...
Being able to understand the marketing plan from a strategic standpoint is very important for the overall strategic business plan of the company. CC Industries can develop ideas, make the marketing plan and continue to make corrections and evaluations. CC Industries would not be successful without ...
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In this paper, an Ag layer was deposited on the MgO underlayer prior to the FePt/Ag multilayer. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a FePt/Ag film with the Ag underlayer were a FePt/Ag multilayer film without the Ag layer.Mandy BoenkeIEEEIEEE International Magnetics Conference...
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