for 选择CPU --cpu list Output a list of all the selectable CPUs 输出所有被选中的CPU列表-o <file> Name the final output file of the compilation 最终输出文件的名字 -c Compile only, do not link 只进行编译,不链接 --asm Output assembly code as well as object code 输出汇编以及obj文件 -S ...
密码输入成功后如果有cps host-list和nova list命令的自动回显信息,则表示环 境变量导入成功。导入成功后系统使用Keystone V2鉴权。可以正常执行CPS命令 和OpenStack命令。 ● 使用内置云管理员帐号的Keystone V3鉴权,输入“4”,按“Enter”,并按提示 输入“cloud_admin”(内置的云管理员帐号)的密码。
The client cannot update the list of currencies (Can return an UnsupportedOperationException). com.highdeal.cnd.message.BatchServiceClient.batchCharge(Vector<ChargeParameters>, Long, short, AccessibleChargeType, int, boolean, MessageHeader.TransactionMode, String) com.highdeal.cnd.message.AsyncBatchServic...
the "Type A (Background)" sheet in Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3.0 Account List. 2. Run the following command and enter the password of the root user on the same node to switch to the root user: su - root See the default password of the account for logging in to the target node on the...
For ’22, the KTM 250 SX-F sees no significant changes from 2021. It continues to ride on a steel frame and WP suspension—air fork up front and spring shock in the rear. Selectable mapping, traction control, Brembo brakes and a Brembo hydraulic clutch system add to the list of premium...
加州大学河滨分校 (University of California, Riverside)加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(University of California,...
/home/install/rr/build/DartConfiguration.tcl Test project /home/install/rr/build Constructing a list of tests Done constructing a list of tests Updating test list for fixtures Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements Checking test dependency graph... Checking test dependency graph end test 452 ...
[DEPRECATED] A list of commands for SJCAM SJ5000X Elite Edition reverse-engineeringdeprecatednetwork-monitoringsjcamcc-by-sa UpdatedJul 17, 2017 JonathanHelianthicusDoe/crates-io-dark Star12 Code Issues Pull requests A smol dark usercss for ...
--cpu<cpu>SelectCPUtogeneratecodefor选择CPU --cpulistOutputalistofalltheselectableCPUs输出所有被选中的CPU列表 -o<file>Namethefinaloutputfileofthecompilation最终输出文件的名字 -cCompileonly,donotlink只进行编译,不链接 --asmOutputassemblycodeaswellasobjectcode输出汇编以及obj文件 ...
[root@localhost test-network]# peer channel list -bash: peer: command not found 1. 2. 如果报错“-bash: peer: command not found”,需要设置环境变量(提前操作了步骤2.3.2) export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/ [root@localhost test-network]# export PATH...