Solved: I´m sharing my CC libraries with my colleagues, they´re able to edit and such, but they can´t view the shared library in the app, it says "only - 14195320
cc_library( name = "foo", srcs = ["foo.cpp"], linkopts = ["-lcompression"], ) cc_library( name = "baz", hdrs = ["baz.hpp"], linkopts = ["-blah"], ) cc_binary( name = "main", srcs = ["main.cpp"], deps = [ ":baz", ":foo", ], ) cc_shared_library( name =...
所包含API列表: os.uname: 获取详细的系统信息 os.rename: 文件重命名 os.remove:...
所包含API列表: os.uname: 获取详细的系统信息 os.rename: 文件重命名 os.remove:...
Description of the bug: If some cc_test or cc_binary targets consume a library by declaring a dependency on a cc_shared_library whereas some do not, this causes the C++ files in these libraries to be compiled multiple times. I would expect this mixed way of consuming the library to only...
cc_library_shared编译成动态库,类似于Android.mk中的BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY cc_binary编译成可执行文件,类似于Android.mk中的BUILD_EXECUTABLE cc_test编译成 google gtest 框架文件 name编译出的模块的名称,类似于Android.mk中的LOCAL_MODULE srcs源文件,类似于Android.mk中的LOCAL_SRC_FILES ...
Solved: I have an Adobe CC library that is showing as shared with my organization as I believe we have a CC teams account. I want to make sure that this - 13809961
1. Create a library. To create a new Creative Cloud library in your desktop app, or to add assets to an existing library, go toWindow > Libraries or Window > CC Librariesto open theLibrariespanel. In the Libraries menu you can create and name a new library, find an existing library, ... is ranked #139 in RU with 28.27M Traffic. Categories: . Learn more about website traffic, market share, and more!
CCCORELIB_SHAREDCompile as a shared libraryON CCCORELIB_SCALAR_DOUBLEDefineScalarTypeas double (instead of float)OFF Qt Option (Qt5_DIR) IfCCCORELIB_USE_QT_CONCURRENTis on (it is by default), then you may need to tell CMake where to find the Qt cmake files. Theofficial docs from Qtsh...