做题时,常常会用到哈希,哈希的实现可以使用 STL 中的 map 与 unordered_map ,也可以使用 “平板电视” 中的 cc_hash_table 和 gp_hash_table。
测试: // 测试 LazyMappublicclassTest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){//Transformer数组Transformer[]transformers=newTransformer[]{newConstantTransformer(Runtime.class),newInvokerTransformer("getMethod",newClass[]{String.class,Class[].class},newObject[]{"getRuntime",newClass[0]}),newInvokerTransformer...
package com.gp; import java.util.Hashtable; public class FlywightFactory { private Hashtable<String, Flyweight> flyweights = new Hashtable<String, Flyweight>(); public FlywightFactory() { flyweights.put("X", new ConcreteFlyweight()); flyweights.put("Y", new ConcreteFlyweight()); flyweight...
Java反序列化CC6 HashMap+LazyMap链 漏洞 java反序列化CC6 吾心xiangs 223418围观·72023-06-07 spring Eureka Xstream Deserialization RCE 漏洞复现原创 漏洞 1 漏洞环境使用开源项目文件,搭建环境,地址如下https://github.com/LandGrey/SpringBootVulExplo... ...
• General Purpose Timers (GPTIMER) The four flexible GPTIMERs can be used as either 4× 32 bit timers or 8× 16 bit timers, all running on up to 48 MHz. Each of the 16- or 32-bit timers support a wide range of features such as one-shot or periodic counting, pulse width ...
Five GPIOs have high-drive capabilities, which are marked in bold in Section 4. All digital peripherals can be connected to any digital pin on the device. For more information, see the CC13x2, CC26x2 SimpleLink™ Wireless MCU Technical Reference Manual. 6.9 Battery and Temperature Monitor...
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201709/20170906_03.md 《PostgreSQL vs Greenplum Hash outer join hash表的选择》 201709/20170906_02.md 《A Look at How PostgreSQL Executes a Tiny Join (HashJoin)》 201709/20170906_01.md 《阿里云RDS PostgreSQL OSS 外部表 - 并行写提速案例》 201709/20170905_01.md 《PostgreSQL 黑科技 - 空间聚集...
• General-Purpose Timers (GPTIMER) The four flexible GPTIMERs can be used as either 4× 32 bit timers or 8× 16 bit timers, all running on up to 48 MHz. Each of the 16- or 32-bit timers support a wide range of features such as one-shot or periodic counting, pulse width ...