All of our favorite Sims 4 CC packs for great hair, makeup, clothes, and décor that you can download right now.
My One Drive stopped letting me do anything because it was full and since I can't stand One Drive I figured I could copy my folders to my C Drive and unlink One Drive. I moved all my Sims4 saves, cc & mods to my C Drive, removed them from One Drive and unlinked O...
Firstly, you need to do is to download the iZip Archiver. This application is free & it is used for unzipping the .rar and .zip folders. Now, download the MCCC mod Open theSims 4 Modssection by following the pathway—Electronic Arts-> The Sims 4-> Mods in Separate Window/Finder Tab....
There are two folders used for custom content: the “Tray” folder is for storing lots and sims, while “Mods” is for your custom traits and other items. How Do You Have More Than 3 Traits on Sims 4? There’s no official way (even with cheats) to have more than 3 traits on ...
A tutorial for people who want to learn how to install mods and cc in The Sims 4. Includes links to download sites.
I’ve tried a gazillion different things, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the game refuses to launch if I put the CC into folders within the Mods folder. as in: Mods -> HairCC -> cc.package Does not work. if I do it like this: ...
Display your mod folder in the app. Manage your files and folders without having to be at your computer. [First connected tool] Use some of the Mod Manager tools via the app. For example, you can control the latest Screenshot CC Detector tool directly from the app. ...
1) Enable hidden folders This is important for all file operations related to the hidden folder iPod_Control. MacOS: Linux (Ubuntu): You can just use the shortcut "CTRL + H" in the fi...
1) Enable hidden folders This is important for all file operations related to the hidden folderiPod_Control. MacOS: Linux (Ubuntu): You can just use the shortcut "CTRL + H" in the f...
Display your mod folder in the app. Manage your files and folders without having to be at your computer. [First connected tool] Use some of the Mod Manager tools via the app. For example, you can control the latest Screenshot CC Detector tool directly from the app. ...