there are three top contenders for your beauty routine:BB creamvs. CC cream vs. tinted moisturizer. Though similar, these three skincare-makeup hybrids are all different in their own ways. To help shed light on the key differences and the pros and cons of each, we’ve created a complete...
And because “CC cream” is a marketing term, there might not be a huge difference between any given CC cream vs BB cream. That said, for the purpose of this review, I decided that any CC cream worth its salt needs to have at least one of the following features in order to be ...
CC cream vs BB cream: What’s the difference? If you’ve been reading this article up to now, you already know that “CC” stands for “color correcting.” What you may not know is that “BB” is an abbreviation for “beauty balm.” Both formulas provide coverage and a multitude of...
CC霜是ColorControl Cream的缩写,意为色彩调控霜,主要用于肤色调整、保湿、皮肤修复等。质地比BB霜轻盈和自然,但遮瑕效果不如BB霜。CC霜中会额外添加护肤成分,更强调对肌肤的修复和保养效果,更适用于肌肤敏感者使用。也就是说,CC霜在改变肤色的同时也起到了一些保养作用。 BB霜VSCC霜:如果皮肤底子好,可以用CC霜,若...
参数信息 品牌 洛姿 品名 水润无暇气垫BB霜 产地 其他/other 颜色分类 象牙色,自然色 适合肤质 任何肤质 是否防晒 否 上市时间 2015年 功效 保湿,隔离 规格类型 正常规格 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 脸部亮片眼影闪粉璀璨细粉打底胶防水速干眼影指甲25ML打底胶水 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ZGRkZ...
因为每样功能都略具一二,所以BB霜在专业的细化领域显得鸡肋,防晒比不过防晒霜,遮瑕敌不过粉底,因为其本身即含有粉底液,并不能将彩妆与肌肤很好地隔离开来,隔离更显得暧昧。 关于CC霜 英文Color control cream的简称, 功效集修护肌肤纹理、修饰毛孔粗大、隔离、美白保湿、防晒、修饰于一身,CC霜集合了BB霜的所有优点,...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Mushroom Head Air Cushion CC Cream BB Cream Concealer遮瑕B霜的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Mushroom Head Air Cushion CC Cream BB Cream Concealer遮瑕B霜的信息,请来
Discover the magic of our CC Cream Full Coverage Foundation. Perfect for color correcting and enhancing your natural skin tone.
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