Class Central是全球重要的慕课研究和资讯平台。 在Class Central平台上,汇总了全球许多慕课课程提供商的课程,以帮助用户和学习者找到自己需要和喜欢的几乎任何主题的最佳课程。 Class Central可以说是慕课课程的第一搜索引擎。 过去一些年,Class Central一直是自留地君慕课研究的重要参考资料来源。 10月26日,创始人Dhawal...
CCCentral Controller(Cisco Wireless) CCConcrete Curb(public works) CCCarriage Control CCCarbon Composites CCCompassionate Conservatism(George W. Bush campaign) CCConcurrent Copy(disk storage management) CCCross-Class(Dungeons & Dragons gaming) CCCompanion of the Order of Canada ...
They are involved in various human cancers and inflammation, regulate cell migration during immune responses and are important for development of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. In particular, the CCR5 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors serve as essential therapeutic targets since they assist ...
Since central-by-finite and finite-by-abelian groups are contained in the wider class ofFC- groups, the following natural step was the study of just non-FC-groups. This step has been realized by S. Franciosi, F. de Giovanni and L. A. Kurdachenko in [FdeGK 3]. In turn, the class...
central fore-and-aft central fovea central fremont calif central gradient arra central guizhou central hub central incoming paym central japan railway central logic busclb central logic complex central midfield central moment of ine central mountain rang central mountains central nervous syste central nervo...
The implications of geology, soils, and vegetation on landscape morphology: Inferences from semi-arid basins with complex vegetation patterns in Central Ne... This paper examines the relationship between land surface properties (e.g. soil, vegetation, and lithology) and landscape morphology quantified...
Concert in Central Park San Ramon, CA Win River Casino, Redding, CA Delmonte Shopping Center, Monterey, CA Discovery Bay Community Center, Discovery Bay, CA Colusa County Fair, Colusa, CA Discovery Bay Country Club, Discovery Bay, CA ...
cct ccta central computer cctc cct call circuit test cct character class t cct clockcycletimer cctm call center tran cctmis city common tr cc to xx cctrch coded composit cc tripl concentric c cctv cctvav cctv china central te cctv closed-circuit t cctv closed circuit t cctv lcd monitor cct...
Now publishes to Bintray using the latest version of com.jfrog.bintray plugin and syncs to Maven Central via this plugin 2.0.3 CompileJavaccTask is now aSourceTaskand supports include/exclude filters Can now configure the input/output directory ...
ccsqprog ccst center for compu ccta characterclassta cctahydroestrone cct call circuit test cct clockcycletimer cct control centered cctcurve ccthermocouple cctmis callcentertran cctocycliccompound cctohydroxylatedacid cctransf cct tech intl cctv cctv camerascctv cctv china central te cctv citycommontraf...