What’s CC and BCC in email? And which one should you use? Here’s everything you need to know to use CC and BCC like a pro.
After all, you might be leading your recipient to think they are the only one receiving your email when in fact they are not. If you decide to go ahead and use bcc, you should be aware of one danger – the person who you bcc’d can hit “Reply all” and everyone on your original...
BCC stands for blind carbon copy. It is very similar to the CC feature, but with one major exception: When you BCC someone on an email, other recipients of the email won’t be able to see it. This means that the recipients in the "To" and "CC" fields won’t know that you includ...
using BCC prevents recipients from seeing each other's addresses. For instance, a teacher emailing all parents in a class can put their own email in the "To" field and the parents’ addresses in the BCC field, ensuring privacy.
Mastering CC and BCC in email: the ultimate guide to understanding the differences and making the most of these features for maximum efficiency. Most people who send out emails don't have a clear understanding of the differences that exist between CC and BCC. If you can understand what they ...
The “BCC” field hides recipients’ addresses from all others on the email. This prevents reply-all chains and protects sensitive information. Some email systems limit the number of BCC recipients to avoid misuse, such as spam-like behavior. ...
What Do Cc and Bcc Stand For? 那么Cc和Bcc到底代表什么? If you’ve heard your coworkers talk about “copying” each other on emails, you can probably guess what one of the c’s in cc stands for. The full phrase is carbon copy, and it predated the arrival of email by decades. 如...
serves the purpose of copying recipients without the knowledge of other recipients. In essence, "cc" and "Bcc" functions are universally applied in email systems to respectively denote carbon copying and blind carbon copying.The feature of blind carbon copying can be particularly useful ...
Another lesson in how language is reused is your email's cc and bcc function. Standing for 'carbon copy' and 'blind carbon copy,' they originally were references to the process of copying document via carbon paper.
What Do Cc and Bcc Stand For? 那么Cc和Bcc到底代表什么? If you’ve heard your coworkers talk about “copying” each other on emails, you can probably guess what one of the c’s in cc stands for. The full phrase is carbon copy, and it predated the arrival of email by decades. ...