您可以在Gmail和Outlook中设置一个简单的规则,该规则会自动将某些电子邮件地址抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)到所有您编写的电子邮件中。在本文中,我们将详细解释如何在Outlook和Gmail中自动将特定电子邮件地址抄送和密送。在Gmail中自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)所有电子邮件 Gmail没有内置的自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)邮件...
CC and BCC are small but powerful tools that can greatly affect how your emails are received. Used well, they help keep communication clear, professional, and respectful of everyone’s time and privacy. However, misused, they can lead to overflowing inboxes, privacy breaches, or even damaged ...
On the other hand, CC (carbon copy) is typically the default when creating an email, and recipients will be able to see the addresses of those listed under this field. So should you use CC or BCC in your email correspondence? Below, we’ll explore the BCC meaning in more depth, high...
Auto BCC is a great way to keep everyone on the same page when you’re working together on something big! Customer Service Training Have your sales reps set up Auto BCC for Gmail to send you (the supervisor) copies of the emails they’re sending to clients and prospects....
这个Gmail 的 Chrome 扩展做了 4 个简单的事情: 1)自动弹出回复、回复全部、转发2) 自动显示CC和BCC字段3)自动显示主题行4) 在弹出窗口显示发送和存档按钮的选项在Gmail 中保存多次点击并简化您的工作流程。 评分 4.5星(共5星),共37位用户参与评分 使用人数 7,000+ 位用户 版本 23.0.11 大小 525KB...
Smarter CC & BCC : Murmure for Gmail™ 5 Auto BCC for Gmail by cloudHQ 130 Google Inbox Checker (Inbox by Gmail) 213 Inbox Layout for Gmail 0 Sort Gmail Inbox by cloudHQ 20 inboxy: Inbox Bundles for Gmail 36 Gmail Auto BCC 1 Gmail Auto Pop Out Reply Forward Show CC BCC...
In the Setting dialog pane, in the Name column, type in 'UserName', then in the Type column, from the drop down, select String and in the Value column, set a meaningfull Name that you will use later on (lets call it NotRegistered)...
To BCC someone, follow steps similar to how to CC in Gmail: Start by composing a new email. After adding a primary recipient and CC recipients (if applicable), Click “Bcc” to bring up the field. Add the recipients you want to send a blind copy to, separating the addresses with ...
Extract name, email addresses from Gmail message body, to, cc, bcc, replyto, sent emails, labels
We all have wondered what is CC and BCC in Email. In this blog we are going to cover its meaning, How to use it, and example to help you understand.