PSPICE simulation results of proposed CCDDCC with controlled current gain and its application are also presented. 展开 关键词: floating resistor current-controlled differential difference current conveyor (CCDDCC current amplifier 会议地点: 中国上海 被引量: 4 ...
LNA:Low-Noise AmplifierPA: Power Amplifier1VGA: Variable-Gain Amplifier DC input Bias Volatage, Bias Current --- 转载于: SKY65313-21 Skyworks低噪声射频放大器LNA 链模块中包含的开关。 单刀,双掷(SPDT)开关...
The proposed instrumentation amplifier (IA) can easily be cascaded due to the possession of low impedance current input, and high impedance current output. It offers a high differential gain (73.35dB) and high bandwidth (BW), 44.8MHz. Moreover, the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is also...
Current INV=1.96V,CS=OV,VDD=18V 23mA VDD Under Voltage Lockout EnterUVLO(ON)VDD falling8.29....
maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A ou B ...
TI数据手册 器件3D模型 规格参数 反馈错误 by 价格库存 规格参数 数据手册 下载TI官方数据手册 CC2592RGVR 全球供应商 全球供应商 (8家) 刷新货币单位: 需求数量: -+ 含%增值税 供应商发货地库存数量交期(天)MOQ货币1+10+100+1K+10K+购买 ...
5-6000MHz Gain 20dB Broadband RF VHF UHF Signal Power Amplifier Board Module VFH UHF SHF LNA 5VUSD 5.22/piece LCD Battery Voltmeter DC 8V-100V Capacity Indicator Power Meter Lithium LiFePO4 Lead-acid Cell 12V 24V 48V Voltage TesterUSD 4.02-5.27/piece ...
mΩ Gain = 7.5684/(以 k Ω 为单位的 Rsense) [对于 VREF2 = 1.24] 但在第 13.2.2章"校准:电流"中、给出了以下值: Calibration:Current:CC Gain = 7.4768/(以 m Ω 为单位的 Rsense) ^mΩ 公式 CC Gain = 10 × 6 ×VREF2/(5 × 32768 以 m Ω 为...
Theoperationalamplifierisintendedtoprovidefront-endbufferingandgainfortheADC.Bothinputsaswellas theoutputareavailableonpins,sothefeedbacknetworkisfullycustomizable.Achopper-stabilizedmodeis availableforapplicationsthatneedgoodaccuracywithhighgain. Theultralow-poweranalogcomparatorenablesapplicationstowakeupfromPM2orPM3ba...
Products Applications Audio Automotive and Transportation Amplifiers Communications and Telecom Data Converters Computers and Peripherals DLP® Products Consumer ...