2017年美国医师协会(ACP)总结临床研究后提出,失眠认知行为治疗(cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia,CBT-I)应作为慢性失眠的首选治疗,在该治疗无效的情况下再选用药物治疗。 我国专家也在《中国失眠症诊断和治疗指南》中推荐CBT-I为失眠...
背景介绍 失眠的认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia,CBT-I),作为一种非药物治疗失眠的方法,目前已被美国医师协会、欧洲睡眠研究协会、中华医学会神经病学分会等推荐为成人慢性失眠治疗的一线方案。在最新的 2023版《欧洲失眠指南》中...
Results indicate that effective insomnia treatment during pregnancy may serve as a protective factor against postpartum depression. While poor sleep during and after pregnancy is common, it is often dismissed as inevitable. Dr. Keys says many parents may not realize that evidence-based treatments, li...
背景介绍 失眠的认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia,CBT-I),作为一种非药物治疗失眠的方法,目前已被美国医师协会、欧洲睡眠研究协会、中华医学会神经病学分会等推荐为成人慢性失眠治疗的一线方案。在最新的 2023版《欧洲失眠指南》中,CBT-I更是被推荐作为任何年龄的成人(包括有合并症)慢性失眠治疗...
Most Popular Insomnia Treatment Program 全球最流行的失眠治疗方案 失眠症是一个全球性的公共卫生问题,约三分之一的人群曾受到过失眠的困扰,出现失眠相关症状,如入睡困难、夜间频繁觉醒、早醒、非恢复性睡眠、日间功能受损(乏力、困倦、嗜睡、精力不足)等。慢性失眠或长期总睡眠时间不足可对身体造成巨大的危害,增加...
3.European guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia .J Sleep Res, 2017.Australasian Sleep Association position statement regarding the use of psychological/behavioral treatments in the management of insomnia in adults ,Sleep Medicine 36 (2017) S43eS47. ...
并且没有证据表明CBT-1具有负面副作用。最后,主任想要强调的一点是:CBT-I需要我们能够坚持稳定的练习,有些方法起初可能会导致你失去睡眠。但是做下去,你会看到持久的结果。- END - 参考资料:[1]Mayo Clinic Staff. Insomnia treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy instead of sleeping pills. mayo clinic ...
The article discusses research being done on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of chronic primary insomnia. It references a study by J. Edinger et al published in the 2001 issue of the "Journal of American Medical Association." It notes that persistent primary insomnia is ...
The study, which included data from 20 studies of CBT in chronic insomnia, showed improvements on a range of sleep measures immediately following treatment, with some data indicating that there were further gains over time. "This supports recommendations that CBT [for insomnia] should be used as...
Adding digital cognitive-behavioral therapy (dCBT) to treatment as usual for insomnia disorder, compared with sleep hygiene education alone, can significantly improve multiple daytime effects from poor sleep, including moodiness and lower cognitive functioning, new research suggests. ...