The ATQ is scored as the sum of all 30 items, which can be separated into four aspects of automatic thoughts (i.e., personal maladjustment and desire for change, negative self-concepts and negative expectations, low self-esteem, and helplessness). A high total score indicates a higher level...
It may involve cognitive-behavioural, attention-training or imagery-based methods for example, self-hypnosis, self-to-self dialogue, rethinking a challenging situation to reduce anger or anxiety, hiding visible signs of shame, sadness or fear, or focusing on images that create a sense of joy or...
Empowerment will be measured using the mean factor scores for the Rogers’ Empowerment scale (patients only) [58] which has good internal consistency (α = 0.82) and factor structure with five factors: self-esteem (α = 0.82); perceived power (α = 0.59); optimism and control...
treatment notes were reviewed to determine adherence to treatment protocol (i.e., covering PRACTICE sequence) and to ensure parents were seen by the therapist in addition to youth. Results indicated that in all but one session for one