Read more about parenting techniques for building executive functioning skills > Therapy and Counseling Services from Clinical Psychologist Anna Breytman, Ph.D., with Offices in Princeton and Manhattan inNYC Anna Breytman, Ph.D. is alicensed clinical psychologistwith over 15 years of experience pro...
Robert D. Morgan completed his Ph.D. in counseling psychology at Oklahoma State University and a postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine and the Missouri Department of Mental Health. He is currently t...
Some mentioned that an individual could go to a “counseling center,” but they were unsure if these centers could meet non-HIV related needs. Stakeholders each presented on services they knew existed in the community, giving a description of each and the population they targeted. Local programs...
classificationofpsy- chotherapywithmanydifferent names,includingRationalEmotiveBehav- iorTherapy,CognitiveTherapy,Rational BehaviorTherapy,RationalLivingTherapy, SchemaFocusedTherapy,andDialectical BehaviorTherapy. ThefocusofthisAddictionMessenger seriesistoprovideabasicunderstanding ofCBTandillustrateCBTtechniquesused in...
Voluntary Counseling and Testing WHO: World Health Organization. References World Health Organization (WHO): Mental health systems in selected low and middle-income countries: a WHO-AIMS cross-national analysis. World Health Organizati...
Depression is a major problem in youth mental health and identified as the leading cause of disability worldwide. There is ample research on the acute effects of treatment, with estimated small-to-moderate effect sizes. However, there is a lack of resear