Wuzhi Mountain is also renowned for its cascading waterfalls and crystal-clear streams that meander through the landscape. The soothing sound of flowing water adds a touch of serenity, while the cool mist from the waterfalls p...
the ICRC has never had a respite from war long enough to forget its ghastliness. So, it should come as no revelation that the ICRC despises war and all its ills, and amidst the unconscionable number of ongoing armed conflicts worldwide, ...
"I walk on the fitness trail, look at the flowers and watch the young play football,” she said. “It’s all very comforting. Best of all, the park is close to my home, open 24 hours and free to use.” The design ...
The apartment offers free meals, shuttle services and facilities including a movie room, a karaoke room, a gym and massage chairs. "It offers everything but an air-conditioner," Wang joked, happy with the amenities and ...
I hesitated to ask the caseworker for respite care, although I was growing more and more exhausted with each passing day. Besides meeting the physical needs of the boys, there were medical and emotional needs. Both the little ones ...
29. Break: tea break, rest, breather, respite 30. catch:seize arrest capture trap 31. Attract: charm appeal 32. swallow:Eat wolf chew 33. swallow: drink down knock back 34. gulp: sipguzzle swig 35. extraordinary:out of the ordinary, remarkable ...