CBS-QB3(0K)已经包含了ZPE,E(thermal)也包含ZPE,加起来显然不是T下的内能 0.019855-0.016991-39...
The GAUSSIAN 2, GAUSSIAN 3, complete basis set-QB3, and complete basis set-APNO methods have been used to calculate DeltaHdegrees and DeltaGdegrees values for ionic clusters of hydronium and hydroxide ions complexed with water. Results for the clusters H3O+(H2O)(n) and OH-(H2O)(n), ...
TheGAUSSIAN 2, GAUSSIAN 3, complete basis set-QB3, and complete basis set-APNO methods have been used to calculateΔHandΔGvalues for ionic clusters of hydronium and hydroxide ions complexed with water. Results for the clustersH3O+(H2O)nandOH(H2O)n,wheren=1–4are reported in this paper,...
基组,只写了cbs-qb3 ...对 CBS-QB3自带基组,不用另写 参见http://gaussian.com/cbs/ ...
很多年以前,曾经用Gaussian03中的CBS-Q计算过分子能量,最近再用Gaussian 09执行CBS-Q计算,发现运行...