"This is another CBS prime-time schedule that will break through the clutter and entertain a mass audience," said Amy Reisenbach, president of CBS Entertainment. "We're grateful to the creative talent who deliver the characters and stories, as well as the viewers who spend nights, seasons an...
CBS announces its 2024-25 prime-time schedule The 2024-2025 prime-time programming lineup of CBS Originals features three new dramas, two new comedies, a reimagined classic game show, special event programming and much more. Oct 10, 2024 Zack Wheeler's poise sets the tone for Phillies ...
The new schedule of CBS Original series also includes the return of the #1 new broadcast series FIRE COUNTRY, #1 comedy YOUNG SHELDON, the #1 broadcast drama NCIS and #1 news program 60 MINUTES. “CBS programming across entertainment, news and sports continues to appeal to...
CBS took the wraps off its fall prime-time schedule Wednesday, revealing a lineup with three new comedies and two new drama series, along with three new shows due up later in the season. The new shows for fall are the comedies “Bob (Hearts) Abishola,”“Carol’s Secon...
While ABC favored relative stability in its fall 2014 schedule,CBS's new prime-time schedule...Owen, Rob
While the CBS prime-time lineup featured music, comedy and variety shows, the daytime schedule was a direct conduit into American homes – and into the hearts and minds of American women; for many, it was the bulk of their adult human contact during the course of the day. CBS time sales...
with the NFL by expanding our coverage to Thursday nights," Moonves said. "CBS is a premium content company and the NFL represents the best premium content there is. I look forward to all this new deal will do for us not only on Thursday nights, but across our entire schedule." ...
(Jenifer Lewis), on the CBS Original drama SO HELP ME TODD, Thursday, April 11 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day ...
Moves come ahead of the Norges Bank rate decision on Thursday - although no change in policy is expected, and markets wait until March for the next policy path projection update. With both the ECB and the Fed inside their pre-meeting media blackout periods, central bank is expected to ...
CBS, which had intended to begin the fall TV season Sept. 5, on Thursday, moved the start time to the end of October, blaming the delay on the writers' strike and other possible labor troubles.