CBS today announced its 2024-2025 prime-time programming lineup of CBS Originals, featuring three new dramas, two new comedies, a new alternative series, a reimagined classic game show, special event programming and 18 returning series. New drama series for fall include "NCIS: Origins," starring...
The Hallmark Hall of Fame franchise remains a shadow of its former self, with Sunday’s premiere of “In My Dreams” drawing tiny numbers for ABC while providing an opening for NBC’s “Believe” to show some gains. CBS won the night with its regular lineup, led in demos by “The Ama...
The 2024-2025 prime-time programming lineup of CBS Originals features three new dramas, two new comedies, a reimagined classic game show, special event programming and much more. Oct 10 Series premiere of 'The Summit' debuts on Sunday, Sept. 29 The adventure begins for 16 ordinary Americ...
CBS is touting a more diverse prime-time lineup for the upcoming fall TV season, following years of criticism. The network’s entertainment chief, Kelly Kahl, sat down with TV journalists and critics at a Television Critic Association Q&A on Sunday to discuss CBS’s new slate of shows, eve...
returns for a fourth season. During the first half of the season, when the CBS Sunday primetime lineup often starts later due to late afternoon NFL broadcasts, the 10:00 PM slot will feature encore broadcasts of popular Network dramas. CSI: VEGAS returns for its ...
CBS News names new evening anchor, revamps morning show This combination of 2015, 2018 and 2019 photos shows CBS’s John Dickerson, Norah O’Donnell and Gayle King, right. CBS News is replacing its evening anchor and revamping its morning show lineup as it seeks to boost ratings. The ...
ABC takes Sunday with its powerhouse lineup.(American Broadcasting Companies Inc dominated rankings followed by CBS Inc. and National Broadcasting Inc.)Kissell, Rick
Football dominated primetime on Sunday, with both the late-afternoon game on CBS between Pittsburgh and Dallas and the “Sunday Night Football” contest on NBC between San Francisco and New England drawing some of the NFL’s largest audiences of the season. The evening also included a roughly ...
and the newsmagazines 60 Minutes, CBS News Sunday Morning, and 48 Hours. Late nights feature the weeknight talk shows The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Late Late Show with James Corden. CBS Sports programming is also provided most weekend afternoons. Due to the unpredictable length ...
SUNDAY | DECEMBER 12 A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL 8:30-10:30 PM, ET/8:00-10:00 PM, PT A down-on-her-luck chef, Maria Winters (Jessica Camacho), who dreams of starting her own line of food trucks, agrees to pose as the girlfriend of a hotshot Seattle attorney, Julian Diaz (Ada...