Nexstar Exec on Why Broadcasters Balked at CBS’ Terms for Pact With Sports Streamer FuboTV Nexstar is still dark on internet streamer FuboTV; on Tuesday, the TV station group giant’s president and chief operating officer explained why.“We are in a dispute with CBS right now over the ...
CBS time salesmen recognized early on that this intimate connection could be a bonanza for advertisers of female-interest products.[22] Starting in 1930, astrologer Evangeline Adams would consult the heavens on behalf of listeners who sent in their birthdays, a description of their problems – and...
they and all broadcasters have a responsibility to educate and train themselves on real world plagues like violence against women and children and how those intersect with sports. Even more so, they need to know how sports problematically works against solving those problems...
"I think this was a factor of timing and potential media partners not being willing to provide the right fees that the conference and the institutions wanted," said Tag Garson, senior vice president of properties for Wasserman, a media company that represents broadcasters, coaches and execu...