"The Sex Lives of College Girls" (Season 2), now streaming on HBO Max Watch Now 'The Big Brunch' Jeremy Kohm/HBO Max Created and hosted by Dan Levy, "The Big Brunch" brings together 10 contestants from across the country to compete at perfecting a chef's most dreaded meal: brunch...
Jen runs a home decorating shop with her sister and makes lil videos and Max is her BFF from college who helps photograph and film her. They decide to enter some sort of HGTV knock-off celeb couple contest for influencers posing as a married couple with a baby. Obvs they become finalists...
Connecticut, where football glory got him into college and then to the NFL. But, despite the on-field accolades, as Patterson reports, he could never outrun his history, including the impact the death of his father had on him, and his other personal demons, which remained hidden behind t...