CBS today announced its 2024-2025 prime-time programming lineup of CBS Originals, featuring three new dramas, two new comedies, a new alternative series, a reimagined classic game show, special event programming and 18 returning series. New drama series for fall include "NCIS: Origins," starring...
CBS has announced its schedule for the upcoming 2023-2024 season. Most of the lineup remains stable with a few slight changes. The fall lineup will also feature two new series. Kicking off Mondays are the same lineup ofThe Neighborhoodat 8,Bob Hearts Abisholaat 8:30,NCISat 9, andNC...
The festival will return to Hart Plaza in Detroit from May 25 to 27, giving fans a fun, music-filled Memorial Day Weekend to look forward to. The full lineup includes adding Richie Hawtin and Solomun as headliners to joining Fatboy Slim,who had previously been announcedas a headliner. M...
by Alex Matthews TV Regular Horror Decor Discontinuing the “Horror Buddies” Line; Now’s Your Last Chance to Grab Them! 11/19/2024 by John Squires Derek Jeter, David Ortiz, Alex Rodriguez Take Big Swing at World Series for Fox ...
UK DVD and Blu-ray release dates confirmed: up to early 2025 12/8/2024 by Simon Brew Film Stories Young Sheldon's Co-Creator Was Concerned About A Key Creative Decision 12/7/2024 by Pauli Poisuo Slash Film The Good Doctor IndieWire Announces Lineup for Inaugural IndieWire Honors ...
The CBS service is debuting a new evening newscast and prime-time lineup on Monday, from a newly-constructed Manhattan-based studio, part of what promises to be an aggressive year of building fornews-based products. The hourlong evening newscast, beginning at 7 p.m. Eastern, will feature ...
Agree. I actually would likely have signed up for P+ to watch All Rise. Now…. CBS has nothing I’m interested in at all. Reply Dean May 19, 2021 at 7:20 AM Well its the end of en era for NCIS. Maybe a year or two it will end because Monday’s have not been well for dr...
Dave Larsen
The CBS service is debuting a new evening newscast and prime-time lineup on Monday, from a newly-constructed Manhattan-based studio, part of what promises to be an aggressive year of building for news-based products. CAUTION — Do NOT Take Anything Else For Your Blood Pressure Until You Se...
returns for a fourth season. During the first half of the season, when the CBS Sunday primetime lineup often starts later due to late afternoon NFL broadcasts, the 10:00 PM slot will feature encore broadcasts of popular Network dramas. CSI: VEGAS returns for its th...