The CBR1000RR-R Fireblade will be available in either Grand Prix Red or Matte Pearl Marion Black. Both options look fantastic on the bike, and the CBR1000RR-R should be one of the most impressive sport bikes for sale in 2020.The motorcycle features an inline four-cylinder engine that make...
The special features of the Sportbike Spire Speed Fastener Clips make them ideal for securing fairings, bodywork, and other components, providing a snug and secure fit. Whether you own a 2002 Honda CBR 954 for sale, a 2009 Honda CBR 600 for sale, or any other model listed, this kit is...
Honda says that these two figures combined mean a 14% increase in the Honda CBR1000RR’s power-to-weight ratio. That’s pretty astounding, when you consider that under the new fairings is still mostly last year’s bike. Keep Reading By...
New ABS Injection Fairings set For Honda CBR1000RR 2004 2005 All sorts of color NO.V9 on sale Añadir al carrito Nuevo juego de carenados de inyección ABS para Honda CBR1000RR 2004 2005 Todo tipo de color NO.V9 ParaCrawl Corpus Honda CBR1000RR 2006, 2007 - Red, White - Fireblade...