As we know ATM network is developed to take care of transportation of different kinds of traffic such as voice, video and data. These different forms of information is transmitted in the form of ATM cells. The ATM cells are handled based on characteristics of traffic flow needed and applicatio...
The Cisco cBR runs on the Cisco IOS-XE networking software and supports the most advanced networking and routing options. Functional Overview The Cisco cBR provides the following network solutions: • High speed data access over DOCSIS • Video over DOCSIS • Voice services over DOCSIS • ...
However, only one feed is necessary to support full power operation. For the AC-powered Cisco cBR with N+1 redundancy, the chassis must have at least four operational AC Power Modules to be functional. For the AC-powered Cisco cBR with 1+1 redundancy, the chassis must have six ...
cable dsg vendor-param group-id vendor vendor-index oui oui value value-in-TLV Example: Router(config)# cable dsg vendor-param 1 vendor 1 oui ABCDEA value 0101AB Configures vendor-specific parameters for A-DSG 1.2. To remove this configuration from the Cisco ...