1️⃣访问网站:https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/history-search 2️⃣在弹出的安全通知框内点击“CONSENT& CONTINUE”同意并继续。 3️⃣输入自己的护照信息:包括姓名、出生日期、护照号码和护照签发国(注意输入英文字母,而不是中文!) 4️⃣点击“NEXT”下一步...
日前,美国海关和边防局(CBP)宣布已经在I-94网站上发布了更新。 旅客可以访问I-94网站,输入基本的个人信息,包括姓名丶出生日期丶护照号码和护照签发国家等,以查看官方入境和离境的日期。网址:https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home 这项新功能将让旅客更容易查询在美国的合法停留期限,也能够了解逾期(留在美国超出...
As most of you know, you would get a shorterI-94 ( arrival departure record)duration atUS Port of Entrythan the approval notice listed end date, if your passport is expiring soon. As it is mandatory to have valid I-94 all the time in US, you need toapply for I-94 Extension wit...
Below are the various options that were evaluated by us for I-94 Extension Option 1 – Apply Extension with USCIS Straight forward option was to file extension through USCIS. I called USCIS, checked their website and found that for dependents processing time is 8-10 months and their recommenda...
CBP Announces Rule Implementing Paperless Form I-94Eric S. BordA. James VázquezAzpiriEleanor Pelta
CBP One™ also provides access to a digital copy of their I-94 and up to 5 years of travel history. The I-94 feature is a mobile version of the I-94 application process and information that can also be found on the I-94 website at https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home. · ...
等等吧,有时候数据不是及时同步的。如果你确定 CBP 的数据出错了,你可以要求他们更正。
Access I-94 and Travel History:The app provides digital access to the I-94 document and up to 5 years of travel history. This feature mirrors the functionality available on the I-94 website, but with added convenience through mobile access. This is a nationwide feature, allowing travelers at...
I-94上包含了档案编号、入境时间、准入签证类型、最长可停留时间、入境人的信息等等。 虽然没有章了,在没有延期或转换身份的前提下,入境人在美国的停留时间不可超过I-94上Admit Until Date的时间。 #美国入境政策#入境美国 发布于 2023-04-27 17:01・IP 属地北京 ...
My new passport does not show any record on i-94 website.Overall it took 15-20 mins to complete the process at CBP. Has everyone got i-94 updated on old passport and new passport not showing any records? Hope this helps. Reply Sagarika June 26, 2020 at 4:39 pm Forgot to add ...