CBP I-418 Form DEPARTMENTOFHOMELANDSECURITYU.S.CustomsandBorderProtection OMB1561-0103;PASSENGERLIST-CREWLIST PriortoarrivalintheUnitedStates,completeaseparateformfora)workingcrew;andb)passengersandsupernumeraries.Inadditiontoitsinitialcompletion,thecrewlistshallbe updatedtoreflectcrewchangesandotherrelevant...
I-TASSER Iterative Threading ASSEmbly Refinement MIF4G Middle domain of eIF4G mRNA Messenger RNA MSA Multiple sequence alignment NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information NLS Nuclear localization signal PDB Protein database PEG Polyethylene glycol ...
Consistent with this, both CBP and p300 form a complex with BMAL1, but not CLOCK, in HEK293 and Hep3B cells [36], strongly suggesting that CBP/p300 targets BMAL1. However, recent studies have demonstrated that p300, but not CBP, forms a complex with CLOCK and BMAL1 in liver extract ...
Four genes including AGP5, At5g52760, CML46 and CML47 that form a small cluster with SARD1 and ICS1 were identified as candidate target genes of SARD1 and CBP60g. These genes are also identified as binding targets of SARD1 in our ChIP-seq data (Supplementary Data 1). EDS1 and PAD4...
福步外贸论坛 - 归档内容,请登录后查看 Please log in to view. fanny-lee 曾经斑竹 UID 872 积分24651 帖子1377 福步币 12 块 阅读权限 140 注册2004-3-22 状态 离线 #5 发表于 2004-4-26 10:51 福步外贸论坛 - 归档内容,请登录后查看 Please log in to view. river 曾经斑竹 九袋-掌砵长老...