什么是CBP FORM 7512?我的天哪要命啊 一个墨西哥客户,DDP条款下给了一个美国的收货地址。让我们把货...
如果仓库提货(warehouse withdrawal)供外交、领事、其他特权人员个人使用,或供公共国际组织使用,CBP 7501 表格必须在第 28 栏的顶部清楚地注明“WAREHOUSE WITHDRAWAL FOR DIPLOMATIC USE”,然后加上“DS 表格 1504 附呈”(DS Form 1504 Attached)字样。 可签发通用许可证(Blanket permits)以提货(withdraw)(1)免税店...
CBP Form 3461- Instructions (10/12) CBP Form 3461 - Instructions DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection BLOCK 1 - ARRIVAL DATE Record the month, day, year (MM/DD/YYYY) the goods arrived at a U.S. port of entry. For pre-filed entries, use the scheduled ...