The CBP Entrance Exam is intentionally designed to be hard, since it shortlists the most capable candidates who possess the required abilities to succeed both in the tough CBP academy training and in the demanding day-to-day job. That being said, since you receive enough time to prepare before...
第(1)类,VACIS EXAM(基础查验),就是对海关的舱单和清关的装箱单,发票,合同,申报要素等清关单证的审核,一般查验的时间1-2天。 第(2)类CET(过X光机扫描查验),也叫美国反恐查验。货柜过X光机查验,看看有无异常,正常情况下CET查验的时间是2-3天。 第(3)类TAIL GATE开柜查验,如果过X光机查验,海关觉得有疑问...
VACIS Exam:审核清关文件; CET:X光扫描排查异常; MET:开箱核查侵权、申报真实性等。 其他部门查验:通常在CBP放行后进行,关注特定品类的资质或安全性。例如: FDA查验药品的成分合规性; CPSC查验儿童玩具的物理安全性。 3.流程与耗时差异 CBP查验:根据检查级别不同,耗时从1天(基础文件审核)到30天(人工查验)不等。
CBP确定1X(TransferforExam)后会给指令船司/码头通知吊柜。1X指令由 CBP在线输入生成,通常会在48-72小时内提供,指定将货物转移到CES集 装箱检查站进行査验。 接着货物要被转移到海关检查站(CES),货物要到哪个检查站并不是随机的。 如果货物被标记要进行贸易执法检查(MET/TradeExam),农业部(AQI)或其他 ...
第(1)类,VACIS EXAM(基础查验),就是对海关的舱单和清关的装箱单,发票,合同,申报要素等清关单证的审核,一般查验的时间1-2天。 第(2)类CET(过X光机扫描查验),也叫美国反恐查验。货柜过X光机查验,看看有无异常,正常情况下CET查验的时间是2-3天。
CBP 确定 1X(Transfer for Exam)后会给指令船司/码头通知吊柜。1X 指令由 CBP 在线输入生成,通常会在 48-72 小时内提供,指定将货物转移到 CES 集装箱检查站进行查验。 接着货物要被转移到海关检查站(CES),货物要到哪个检查站并不是随机的。 如果货物被标记要进行贸易执法检查(MET/Trade Exam),农业部(AQI...
此外,一个批次也可能有多个查验项目,如果一个批次被选中参加一个VACIS查验,依然可能会被再选中参加另一个查验。此外,CBP可能会在任何时候提高查验的级别,例如Tailgate exam或VACIS查验可能升级为密集Intensive查验或者CET团队查验。 04如何提高海关查验通过率
For the first 6 trials, almond extract was used for examin- ing habituation, and in a 7th trial, banana extract was used as a novel scent to trigger dishabituation. Genotyping For genotyping, tail or ear biopsies were used. DNA was extracted by tissue lysis with Laird's buffer (200 mM ...
These reporter gene constructs were transformed into Arabidopsis protoplasts to exam the luciferase reporter expression levels. As shown in Fig. 8b, all three constructs expressed similar levels of luciferase as the original NOS101-Luc vector, suggesting that the 56 bp promoter fragment cannot ...
Male Accessory Gland Infection Frequency in Infertile Patients With Chronic Microbial Prostatitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Transrectal Ultrasound Exam... Fifty consecutive patients with the following criteria were enrolled: 1) infertility, 2) diagnosis of CBP, and 3) diagnosis of IBS according to ...