一个单一的入境保证金(A single entry bond)应附在入境摘要包(entry summary package)中。 第6 项:港口代码(PORT CODE) 利用《协调关税表》(HTS)附件 C 中所列的附表 D,海关区域(Customs District)和港口代码,记录美国港口代码(U.S. port code)。该港口是商品根据 entry 进入或根据即时交货许可放行的地方。
一个单一的入境保证金(A single entry bond)应附在入境摘要包(entry summary package)中。 第6 项:港口代码(PORT CODE) 利用《协调关税表》(HTS)附件 C 中所列的附表 D,海关区域(Customs District)和港口代码,记录美国港口代码(U.S. port code)。该港口是商品根据 entry 进入或根据即时交货许可放行的地方。
1017kbpdf2023-04-07 上传 CBP 7501 表格 Entry Summary 详细说明手册(中译) 收藏并下载收藏到资料库 分享到: 留言想要的资料 最新最热资讯视频资料帖子专题问答直播雨课服务果园标签百科搜索导航热门百科热门搜索选品 雨果跨境月报-12月灌云情趣内衣优质工厂名录兴城泳装工厂名录澄海玩具工厂名录知识产权规则解读—volcom...
总的来说, CBP Form 3461 Customs Release相当于预清关,用于申报概述信息;CBP Form 7501 Customs Entry Summary, 当相于报税单, 申报完整的信息并报税。 在清关时, 报关行可以选择这两步申报,即先用3461做预清关,然后申报7501报税;也可以做一步申报,直接提前申报7501,直接在到港前就申报完整的信息给CBP,做清关...
A single entry bond should be attached to the entry summary package. BLOCK 6) PORT CODE Page 4 Record the U.S. port code utilizing the Schedule D, Customs District and Port Codes, listed in Annex C of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). The port is where the merchandise was entered ...
aFor example, an importer’s bond obligations require him, among other things, to pay duties and submit entry summary documentation at the times required by law, and to redeliver merchandise to CBP upon a lawful demand. The basic custodial bond requires that the custodian of bonded merchandise...
The SPSS statistical package for Windows Version 13 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for the two-tailed Student's t-test to evaluate statistical significance using GraphPad Prism 5 software (GraphPad Software, Inc, San Diego, CA, USA). P-valueso0.05 was considered to be statistically ...
A full container load (FTL) or less than container load (LTL) will need an entry summary that details what is being shipped and the value amounts for the goods in the container before it can clear customs. Form 7501 adds up all the costs and fees that mu