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China's cross-border receipts and payments by non-banking sectors, including firms and individuals, rose 14.6 percent to a record high of USD14.3 trillion last year from the prior one, according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange yesterday. China's commercial banks saw a forex settl...
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thanks to soaring sales of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines in the country. MSD’s sales in China reached USD3.6 billion in the first six months, up 45 percent from a year earlier, according to medical data information platform Menet. AstraZeneca...
and payments by non-banking sectors, including firms and individuals, rose 14.6 percent to a record high of USD14.3 trillion last year from the prior one, according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange yesterday. China's commercial banks saw a forex settlement deficit of USD110.3...
China's cross-border receipts and payments by non-banking sectors, including firms and individuals, rose 14.6 percent to a record high of USD14.3 trillion last year from the prior one, according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange yesterday. China's commercial banks saw a forex settl...
of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines in the country. MSD’s sales in China reached USD3.6 billion in the first six months, up 45 percent from a year earlier, according to medical data information platform Menet. AstraZeneca’s Chine sales rose 13 percent to USD3 billion in the period...
NAIRA TO DOLLAR EURO POUNDS EXCHANGE RATES The daily current Naira to Dollar, Euro, Pounds Parallel (Black) Market Interbank and BDC Exchange Rates in Nigeria Rates may vary due to location and time of day Parallell (Black) Market Rates - NGN/USD/GBP/EUR ...
exchange, futures, and procurement, the firm said late yesterday. PIF will extend a credit line of up to USD60 million to Guolian Aquatic's global seafood procurement process at a 3 percent annual interest rate and for a 20 percent cut of the income generated from the financing, Guolian Aqu...
of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines in the country. MSD’s sales in China reached USD3.6 billion in the first six months, up 45 percent from a year earlier, according to medical data information platform Menet. AstraZeneca’s Chine sales rose 13 percent to USD3 billion in the period...