Xpansiv’s CBL spot trading platform provides efficient execution, transparent price discovery, robust liquidity formation, and reliable post-trade mechanisms, typically found in larger, long-established financial and commodity markets. CBL’s ACCUs trade on the world’s leading spot trading platform fo...
首屈一指的环保商品市场基础设施平台Xpansiv今天宣布推出新的基准碳抵消合约——可持续发展全球排放抵消(Sustainable Development Global Emissions Offset™, SD-GEO™)。 该标准化合约可在Xpansiv旗下的CBL市场交易,为市场参与者和企业提供了一个基准,以交易来自具有高度社会影响的项目的高质量碳抵消额。SD-GEO将...
Xpansiv auctions enable participants to offer credits directly into the world’s deepest VCM liquidity pool, the CBL spot exchange. Generate offers from hundreds of active market participants, including corporate buyers, fund managers, and financial intermediaries. Participants can choose from a range ...
Xpansiv碳市场开发负责人Russell Karas表示:“企业通常会寻找既能减少排放,又能为当地社区带来共同利益的抵消项目,比如清洁炉灶项目。未来几年,碳市场的这一新兴领域将呈指数级增长,而Xpansiv为这些高质量信用额度的定价和交易提供了一种更好的方式。” Xpansiv首席商务官Ben Stuart表示:“共同利益的概念对于CBL的标准...
悉尼、纽约和旧金山--(美国商业资讯)--首屈一指的环保商品市场基础设施平台Xpansiv今天宣布推出CBL Auctions。作为全球顶级规模的碳抵消交易所,Xpansiv旗下市场CBL提供对自愿碳排放的实时洞察,包括报价、投资组合跟踪、图表、场外交易,现在更提供电子拍卖服务,帮助项目开发商从其碳信用中赚取高额收入。
【Xpansiv推出CBL Auctions,为扩大碳信用交易规模提供透明、高效、公平的平台】首屈一指的环保商品市场基础设施平台Xpansiv今天宣布推出CBL Auctions。O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
“CBL is the world’s first trading platform to integrate with 24 registries and provide more than 200 environmental spot commodities on a single screen,” said Russell Karas, Xpansiv Head of Carbon Market Development. “Now with CBL Auctions, participants can choose from a variety of auction ...
“The concept of co-benefits is not new to CBL’s standardized offset contracts,” said Xpansiv Chief Commercial Officer Ben Stuart. “The N-GEO, for example, also requires a Climate, Community, and Biodiversity accreditation from Verra. The SD-GEO is the next contract in the GEO series th...
雪梨、紐約和舊金山--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--首屈一指的環保商品市場基礎設施平臺Xpansiv今天宣佈推出新的基準碳抵銷合約——永續發展全球碳排抵銷(Sustainable Development Global Emissions Offset™, SD-GEO™)。 該標準化合約可在Xpansiv旗下的CBL市場交易,為市場參與者和企業提供基準,以交易來自具...
Joining the Exchange Interested in joining CBL? Fill out the form below to get started. The CBL exchange is for wholesale participants only, and does not currently support retail clients.