每个科目的CSET考试内容不同,必须要参加这一个科目的学习和备考,才有可能通过。所以要做充足的准备方能达到目标!例如中文科目的考试内容有: (1)Subtest I:一般语言学與中国语言学 General Linguistics and Chinese Linguistics (2)Subtest II: 文学史 Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions; Cultural Analysis...
1、通过加州基础教育技能测试(California Basic Educational Skills Test,CBEST)2、通过加州教师科目考试...
In addition to the test outlines, sample questions, and practice tests provided by the CTC, prospective teachers can take advantage of Study.com's extensive set of preparation materials for both the CSET and the CBEST. ThisCBEST Study Guideincludes video lessons and self-checking quizzes that ...
如何参加美国教师资格证考试(CBEST、CSET)在美国当中小学老师,虽然每一个州都有自己的标准,但基本都要求老师有教学资格证(Teaching Credential)才能教书。在加州中小学通行的教学资格证有三种:专业资格证(Professional Cleared Credential);初级资格证(Preliminary Credential);临时资格证(Emergency Credential)执教...
一考试。例如,一位希望在加州教中文的教师,必须通过CSET中文科的考试,考试及格了, 就可以拿到加州的中文单科教师资格证。 2 每个科目的CSET考试内容不同,需要参加这一个科目的学习和备考,才有可能通过。 例如中文科目的考试内容有: (1)SubtestI:一般语言学與中国语言学 GeneralLinguisticsandChineseLinguistics (2...
Take the CSET/CBEST exam with confidence Try our test prep resources risk-free today and achieve the test score you want CBEST scores How hard is it to pass the CBEST? As you prepare for your exam, it is important to knowwhat score you need to pass the CBEST. To pass the CBEST, yo...
How to Ace the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST), using our easy step-by-step CBEST study guide, without weeks and months of endless studying... Please click here for information about our CPACE study guide, CSET study guides, CTEL study guide, or RICA study guide. Dear...
CBEST & CSET Tutor Hello! In 2018, I passed the CBEST Math, Reading and Writing tests, and the CSET Science Subtest I (Test 215). There is definitely a test strategy to passing these tests; it's not enough to just know the material. I tutor students on... See Lisa's full ...
While the CBEST is a crucial exam for teaching in California, there are other exams and certifications that educators may need to pursue, depending on their specific goals and subject areas. These may include:CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers): Subject-specific exams required for ...