CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil: What’s the Difference? For many consumers, cannabis plays a significant role in the treatment of medical conditions and managing general well-being. As a result, certain products have seen a rapid increase in popularity in recent years. But while awareness of these pro...
There is still a lot of confusion going around about what the differences are between hemp oil andCBD oil.Firstly, they are actually completely different things. Hemp oil is used primarily in cooking and the manufacturing of beauty products, whereas CBD oil is an oral tincture that is said to...
实际上,“汉麻油(hemp oil)”是一个统称,它既可能指的是“CBD油(CBD oil)”,也可能指的是“汉麻籽油(hemp seed oil)”,前者的主要成分就是CBD,而后者几乎不含CBD,但两者同样都具有很多保健价值。 今天我们就通过图解的方式,详细对比一下“CBD油(CBD oil)”(国内称麻宝愫DM CBD)和“汉麻籽油(hemp seed...
CBD is found in both thedrug-producingcannabis indicaand hemp-producingcannabis sativa. Hemp CBD oil is extracted from industrial hemp, thec. sativaspecies of cannabis, which produces nearly none of the cannabinoid Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but does produce some amount of the cannabidiol ...
近年來,含有 CBD和 HEMP SEED OIL 成分的產品似乎成為了美容界的熱話和市場趨勢,市面上不少品牌也逐漸推出此類美容產品,就連大型連鎖化妝品店鋪 SEPHORA 前陣子也宣怖重新訂立關於CBD 的標準,以幫助建立產品透明度和客戶的信任。到底 CBD和 HEMP SEED OI 是什麼成分?為何需要訂立標準以推出產品?當中的成分又有...
近期在美国油脂化学家协会(AOCS)年会举办的网上演讲会上,专家的讲座《油脂加工业的发展趋势》中提到“CBD Oil /Hemp Oil(大麻油),报告称国外众多玩家争相进入CBD Oil 、大麻油领域,我国近些年来,御米油(罂粟籽油)、大麻籽油,这些小品种油引起消费者的关注成为网红。CBD Oil 、Hemp Oil、大麻籽油、御米油这些网红...
工业大麻油(hemp oil)顾名思义,是从工业大麻中提取的油。从提取的来源部位可以细分为两类:分别是从花叶提取的CBD oil 和从种子提取的火麻籽油hemp seed oil。医用(娱乐)大麻油(cannabis oil)从能嗨起来的大麻(cannabis)花叶中提取出来的油,就是cannabis oil。这种油的主要卖点就是高含量的THC,在高含量THC的...
在最初了解大麻和CBD(Cannabidiol,大麻二酚)时,我们常碰到三个术语:大麻油、大麻籽(种子)油和CBD油。 大麻油(hemp oil)是一个总概念,可用于描述从大麻的任何部位提取的所有种类的油,这些部位包括大麻植株的花、叶、茎和种子等。虽然大麻油包括CBD油,但通常业内用大麻油这一术语来描述称为大麻籽油的一种营养油...
Because industrial hemp, which is used to make CBD oil and hemp oil, contains less than 0.3 percent THC, it’s considered legal, federally. There are some restrictions, however, so hemp farmers and manufacturers have to follow a strict set of guidelines. Plus, states have different regulatory...
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