IUCN calls for constructive negotiations ahead of the resumed sessions of CBD COP16 - IUCNIUCN calls for constructive negotiations ahead of the resumed sessions of CBD COP16 IUCNTue, 18 Feb 2025 15:30:17 GMT Innocan Pharma Granted First Patent in India for its Liposomal CBD Injection - PR ...
对生物多样性的破坏-ConventiononBiologicalDiversityCBD.DOC,UNEP/CBD/COP/9/20/Add.1 Page PAGE 20 UNEP/CBD/COP/9/20/Add.1 Page PAGE 3 /… 为尽可能减少秘书处工作的环境影响和致力于秘书长提出的“不影响气候的联合国”的倡议,本文件印数有限。请各代表携带文件到会
In 2010, the secretariat participatedin the CBDCOPinNagoya, Japan, and in the UNFCCC COP in Cancun, Mexico. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 2010 年,秘书处参加了在日本名古屋举行的生物多样性公 约缔约方会议以及在墨西哥坎昆举行的气候变化框架公约 缔约方会议。
marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction; and COP-9 to consider progress and further work on marine biodiversity. MEXICO suggested recognizing CBD's supporting role to the UNGA work and in providing scientific, but not technical, information on marine biodiversity. On the CBD future work, TUV...
让我们期待CBD COP15 不仅将关注对生物多样性、食物、营养和健康的综合方式的必要,还将支持有关整合医学(传统与现代) 和人类福祉的决议。 【作者简介】 Balakrishna Pisupati is the Chairperson of FLEDGE and is Senior Advisor on Knowledge Systems atGokula Education Foundation,India. Balakrishna Pisupati,法律...
citation. For permission to use this material in commercial publications, contact the Director of IISD Reporting Services at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Electronic versions of issues of ENBOTS from CBD COP-8 can be found on the Linkages website athttp://www.iisd.ca/biodiv/cop8/enbots/. The ENBOTS...
The Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD-COP10) The tenth meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity (CBD-COP10) 山北 剛久 Japanese journal of international forest and forestry (81), 48-52, 2011...
Presidencia de China de la OCS, apoyar a Brasil a auspiciar la Cumbre del BRICS y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP30), y respaldar a Sudáfrica a celebrar la Cumbre del G20, con miras a impulsar el orden internacional hacia un...
The epidemiology of rheumatic diseases in India is being actively studies under the Community Oriented Programme for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) initiative. The most number of publications on rheumatic diseases from India are on rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and osteoporosis, many of which ...
Viktor Jósa(匈) CliMates核心项目COP in My City国际协调员 关司琪 绿色和平北京代表处传播主任 胡建新 教授级高级工程师,招商局集团孵化器“厘米空间”创业导师,原招商蛇口首席绿色低碳官、招商地产副总经理 黄瑤 绿色星期一业务发展副经理 罗易 社会企...