"I need tosave moneyfor my vacation next year."我需要为明年的度假存钱。"She likes todeposit moneyin her savings account every month."她喜欢每个月将钱存入储蓄账户。3有关于“银行”的词汇Bank (银行)Savings Account (储蓄账户)Checking...
373.drinking machine 374.driving licence 375.drop-off让某人下车 376.drop-out rate退学率 377.drowsiness嗜睡 378.drum鼓 379.dry 380.duration 381.dust 382.early afternoon 383.early evening 384.early twenties 385.Easidol广告类型 386.Eastern Beach 387.easy to understand 388.Easy Tune 389.eat 390...
首样测试报告:first sample test report 价格/销售目录:price/sales catalogue 参与方信息:party information 农产品加工厂证书:mill certificate 邮政收据:post receipt 重量证书:weight certificate 重量单:weight list 证书:certificate 价值与原产地综合证书:combined certificate of value ...
496)You mustn’t wash the silk shirt in the machine. 你不能在洗衣机里 洗真丝衬衫。 497)You must do it by hand. 你必须用手洗。 498)You’d better not drink too ’ll do you harm 你最好不要喝太多, 这对你的身体没有 好处。 499)No visitor after . 晚上 8:00后谢绝 会客。 500)The...