Checklist I'm reporting a broken site support I've verified that I'm running youtube-dl version 2021.12.17 I've checked that all provided URLs are alive and playable in a browser I've checked that all URLs and arguments with special char...
It does not represent the views of all Canadians as a national news agency should. Articles are adjusted to fit their agendas and critical facts and figures are removed to support their opinions. It really just a liberal tabloid. I'm waiting for some good headlines like "Trudeau offers space...
awhile if you must repeat. Same with the news, every half hour a repeat of what I just heard, maybe do news three times a day and only at other times if there is something new to offer. Most of the music you play now seems to be geared to 20 somethings which I doubt are ...
Of course the bimbo on CBC radio says that the people who didnt get vaccinated or wear mask during the planned pandemic. Says that they dont care about fat peoples health. Dear lady. The billionaires who own cbc radio want you to be overweight and sick because there money then to be made...
CARAS/The Juno Awards and MusiCounts, said in a press statement. “As we look forward to this new chapter, we also want to thank CTV for their extensive support over the past 16 years. They have been an invaluable partner in growing the Junos to the national celebration that we know tod...
本报讯:今年四月刚刚成立的大芝加哥冲蒌同乡会会址揭幕剪彩仪式于本月26号上午十点在2738 S Wentworth Ave Unit 1 S 60616 隆重举行。冲蒌同乡会主席伍兆定、伍亮锋总顾问、伍健富执行主席、容卫琛顾问、大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会主席...
YouTube Add YouTube functionality to your sites and apps OAuth Yes Unknown ⬆ Back to Index Weather APIDescriptionAuthHTTPSCORS 7Timer! Weather, especially for Astroweather No No Unknown APIXU Weather apiKey Yes Unknown MetaWeather Weather No Yes No Meteorologisk Institutt Weather and climate dat...
A New Opportunity for Democratic Engagement: The CNN-YouTube Presidential Candidate Debates The 2007 CNN-YouTube Presidential Candidate Debates provided a unique opportunity for Americans to engage in national political discussion. For the first t... Ricke,LaChrystal - 《Journal of Information Technolo...
图源:National Museum of Health and Medicine 同样惊讶的还有爱因斯坦的家人。 他们带着一腔怒火找上门来,质问哈维为何不顾逝者遗愿,私自保留大脑。面对愤怒的家属,哈维使出浑身解数解释自己的意图。 他反复强调研究爱因斯坦大脑将是一件...
甲于2月9日向乙签发一张汇票,付款人为丁,乙于3月1日背书转让给丙。丙于3月5日要求丁承兑汇票遭拒,则丙最迟应向乙行使追索权的日期是 A. 4月9日 B. 8月9日 C. 9月1日 D. 9月5日 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 如何制作自己的在线小题库 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 参考...