MCHC [in g/dL] = Hgb [in g/dL] ÷ Hct [in L/L] Cells with normal, high, and low MCHC are referred to as normochromic, hyperchromic, and hypochromic, respectively. These terms have importance in anemia classification. The MCHC is derived by dividing either the Hgb by the Hct or th...
化验Hb65g/L,MCV75fl,MCHC30%,WBC5.6×109/L,PLT260×109/L,血清铁7.6μmol/L。了解贫血病因的首选检查是 A. 尿常规 B. 粪便隐血 C. 血清铁蛋白 D. 腹部B超 查看完整题目与答案 女性,22岁,因急性阑尾炎4天,行阑尾切除术。应放置腹腔引流的情况是 A. 化脓性阑尾炎,周围有混浊性渗出...