The following sections describe some potential causes of high or low levels of RBCs, WBCs, or PLT, but it is important to remember that an abnormal test result is not always a sign of a medical problem. Some healthy people may have blood counts that fall outside the standard reference ran...
Histograms: WBC (3-Diff), RBC and PLT Principles Electrical impedance method for cell counting and cyanide free lyse for hemoglobin measurement Throughput 60 samples per hour Sample Volume 9.6μL for whole blood mode ; 20μL for predilution mode...
Improved PLT linearity range for low value accuracy. Swift 21 Parameter +3 histograms with throughput of 60 test/hour. Technical specification Principles Impedance method for WBC, RBC and PLT countingCyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Parameters 21 para...
1. How to place order of Mindray BC-5000 CBC Machine BC-5000 VET 5-Part Blood Cell Counter Auto Hematology Analyzer ? A: Firstly we confirm product details and then send the Proforma Invoice, You make payment to us through T/T, Wester...
– Current values compared to most previous result – Differences greater than the limits set within the LIS are flagged WBC Parameter Interfering substances and Implications Test Name Interfering Agent Clinical Implications LOW <4.5 X103 /?L WBC White Blood Cell Count ?Unusual RBC abnormalities that...
PLT(10 9 /L) 0 - 3000 6.0 ( 150-500) Carryover WBC , RBC ≤ 0.5%,HGB≤ 0.6%,PLT ≤ 1.0 % Sample Volume Whole blood mode 15 μL Prediluted mode 20 μL Throughput Up to 60 samples per hour Reagent V-52D DILUENT V-52DIFF LYSE ...
QualityControl JoannaEllis,MLS(ASCP)TheAutomated CompleteBloodCount •MostcommontestintheHematologylab.•MainComponentsoftheCBC:–Cellcounts–Hgb–RBCindices–WBCdifferentialabsolutevaluesandpercent •IndicationsforCBC:–Fatigue–Weakness–Infection–Inflammation–Bruising–Bleeding CBCParameters PARAMETERWBCRBCHGB...
[摘要]背景与目的:常规凝血实验(conventional coagulation test,CCT)检测所用的血浆仅能够反映某个凝血时间点/段的单一成分,而血栓弹力图(thromboelastography,TEG)检测能够描绘凝血及纤维蛋白溶解的整体动态过程的曲线,更能独立完整地反映血...
Whole blood (CV) Pre-diluted (CV) Measurement range WBC ≤ 2.0% ≤ 4.0% (4.0-15.0×109)/L RBC ≤ 1.6% ≤ 3.0% (3.5-6.0×1012)/L HGB ≤ 1.6% ≤ 3.0% (110.0-180.0g)/L MCV ≤1.0% ≤2.0% (70.0-120.0)fL PLT ≤ 4.0% ≤8.0% ...
Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter + Chemical dye method for WBC 5-part difffferential analysis and WBC counting Parameters 23 parameters: WBC, Lym%, Mon%,...