CB测试证书和CB测试报告的应用Taking full advantage of CB certificate and CB test report 1.可以转换国外认证证书Transfer to Foreign Certificate: 如果您已经取得CB测试证书和CB测试报告,可以直接申请其它国家的认证证书。被申请国的认证机构对CB测试证书和报告(包括有关国家差异的报告)进行审查(必要时,需提供少量的...
cb证书查询方法流程 CB证书,全称为“国际电工委员会电工产品合格测试与认证组织”(IECEE)电工产品合格证书(CB Test Certificate),是国际电工委员会(IEC)为了促进国际贸易,减少技术壁垒,而推行的一种电工产品安全认证体系。获得CB证书的产品,可以在IECEE成员国之间自由流通,无需再进行重复的安全性能测试和认证。...
The CB Test Certificate is to cover the following kind of equipment(such as cable,rcwlrable or nollrewirable plug , switch , washing tnachine , etc )CB测试证书包括下述种类的产品(如电缆、重接或不可重接的插头、开关、洗衣机等)此栏填写申请CB测试证书的产品名称Trade mar k or trade marks of th...
The CB Test Certificate is to cover the following kind of equipment(such as cable,rcwlrable or nollrewirable plug , switch , washing tnachine , etc )CB测试证书包括下述种类的产品(如电缆、重接或不可重接的插头、开关、洗衣机等)此栏填写申请CB测试证书的产品名称Trade mar k or trade marks of th...
CB测试证书和CB测试报告的应用Taking full advantage of CB certificate and CB test report 1.可以转换国外认证证书Transfer to Foreign Certificate: 如果您已经取得CB测试证书和CB测试报告,可以直接申请其它国家的认证证书。被申请国的认证机构对CB测试证书和报告(包括有关国家差异的报告)进行审查(必要时,需提供少量的...
CB证书申请-简介-要求CBtestcertificate 系统标签: 证书申请certificatficateschem CB证书申请-简介-要求CBtestcertificateCB证书——通向世界市场的桥梁THEDOORTOTHEWORLDMARKET--CBCERTIFICATEANDCBTESTREPORT为了适应国际贸易的需要,我国逐步推行了国际通行的认证制...
4.3.4当CB测试证书年限超过三年或颁发证书所依据的标准在NCB所在国家/地区不再有效时,NCB可以对CB测试证书提出质疑。 4.3.4 The NCB may challenge the CB Test Certificate when the standard according to which it was issued is no longer in force in the country of the NCB. ...
The CB Test Certificate is to cover the following kind of equipment(such as cable,rcwlrable or nollrewirable plug , switch , washing tnachine , etc )CB测试证书包括下述种类的产品(如电缆、重接或不可重接的插头、开关、洗衣机等)此栏填写申请CB测试证书的产品名称Trade mar k or trade marks of th...