在接下来的几年,CB400一发不可收拾,发动机不断调教,各种参数不断完善,但是外观上依旧是没有太大改变,也正因如此,许多车友对CB400的印象也就是圆灯街车,但是那个四缸哨音不知道是多少男人的梦想。 同年,CB1000就是俗称的big one发售,CB开始进入水冷时代。 可偏偏中国这片神奇的土地就是没有大贸车型,有的人为...
亲您好很高兴能够为您服务根据您的描述、本田CB1000连杆轴径40是那年的如下 亲 本田CB1000连杆轴径40是那年的1998年的 亲本田CB Super Four Big One糸列诞生,是强调高性能和运动化的实用型街车车种,这个车系的出现更为当年的NK车热潮(Naked Bike)掀起战幔。当时,本田分别生产出400及1000cc两个排...
Affectionately known as the Big One, the Honda CB1000 was produced for just two years as a bike that stood out in a world of superbike replicas with acres of plastic bodywork. The slightly detuned engine didn't help sales, and Americans weren't ready for
本田CB Super Four Big One糸列诞生,是强调高性能和运动化的实用型街车车种,这个车系的出现更为当年的NK车热潮(Naked Bike)掀起战幔。当时,本田分别生产出400及1000cc两个排气量的型号,但后者由於配备直径达18吋的前后轮框及乾重达235Kg的车重,未必是人人可以接受。所以,CB1000SF在当年来说,...
big-naked formula and focused instead on a well-rounded package that blends form and function. The flagship model within the Neo-Sports Café lineup that it helped create, the CB1000R has since become a hard motorcycle to ignore, the bike’s performance enabling it to keep pace with the ...
Check out the instruments on the CB1000R Black Edition. You get a big, bright, five-inch TFT (Thin Film Transistor) display that gives you all the information you’ll need while riding. BLACKED-OUT EXHAUST From the four head pipes all the way to the end of the muffler can, the CB10...
然而,了解“十三姨”历史的人却不多,今天我们就来梳理一下CB1300的发展历程。说到CB1300的诞生就一定离不开1992年本田推出的CB1000SF。在上世纪九十年代,本田提出“ PROJECT BIG-1”的开发理念,该理念的核心是以水冷四冲程DOHC四缸发动机为基础复兴运动街车。基于该理念打造的第一款车型便是CB1000SF。然而,...
1992年:CB1000就是俗称的big one发售,CB开始进入水冷时代,93ps,同年我们所熟悉造型的CB400super four终於出现了,53ps 1995年:CB400super four小改款(1996年追加可调后避震)1996年:小黄蜂现身,搭在水冷DOCH原本使用在CBR250RR的引擎与CB系列首见的车尾排气管,车体结构完全为无罩街跑车的设计,40ps 19...
Check out the instruments on the CB1000R Black Edition. You get a big, bright, five-inch TFT (Thin Film Transistor) display that gives you all the information you’ll need while riding. BLACKED-OUT EXHAUST From the four head pipes all the way to the end of the muffler can, the CB10...