开曼群岛是世界第四大离岸金融中心(香港、新加坡、BVI),被誉为世界著名的潜水胜地。 一、公司注册法律依据 开曼群岛公司法,即《开曼群岛公司法》(Cayman Islands Companies Act),是一套基于英国法律传统的公司治理规则,它为企业提供了一个稳定、透明、高效的法律环境。该法律不仅规定了公司的成立、运营、管理和解散等...
Cayman Islands Companies Act (As Amended) is based on English common law. The most popular type of Cayman Islands company is the exempted company. A royal decree in 1798 freed exempted companies from tax indefinitely, and this decree remains in force. Exempted companies may apply for a 20-yea...
Cayman Islands Companies Act is based on English Common Law. Companies are of two categories: Exempted Company and Non-Resident Company. Exempted Company is a more popular form of registration, the name of which need not end with "Limited", and it can apply for a 20-year term tax exemption...
Appointees of a foreign company with interests in the Cayman Islands can seek recognition of their appointment pursuant to section 241 of the Companies Act (2023 Revision). The Grand Court also applies common law principles of comity in providing assistance to foreign-appointed ...
11 Nov 2024 | The Cayman Islands limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate vehicle closely aligned with the Delaware limited liability company. This guide sets out the key features of LLCs and how they can be formed under the Limited Liability Companies Act (LLC Act). ...
(conditionally adopted by special resolution passed on 5 December 2020 and effective on 6 January 2021) THE COMPANIES ACT (2020 REVISION) OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES AMENDED AND RESTATED MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF Newlink Technology Inc. (conditionally ad...
primarilyonexemptedcompanies.Itisnotintendedtobeasubstituteforlegaladvice,whichshould alwaysbeobtainedpriortoincorporatinganytypeofcompany. ThegoverninglegislationistheCompaniesLaw,Cap.22(asrevisedandamended)(the"Companies Law")oftheCaymanIslands,whichwasoriginallymodeledontheUnitedKingdomCompaniesAct, ...
An August 2022 amendment to the Companies Act and Companies Winding Up Rules introduced changes to the restructuring regime in the Cayman Islands. Directors of companies can now apply for a restructuring officer to be appointed without the need for the presentation of a winding-up petition. This ...
Cayman Islands Companies Law (2010 Revision) 热度: Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: AND CAYMAN ISLANDS COMPANIES LAW:和开曼群岛公司法 热度: 相关推荐 BRIEF CaymanIslandsCompanies (Amendment)Law2011 ThenewLawincludesthefollowing...
A Cayman Islands company can be dissolved by the appointment of a liquidator or it can be dissolved without such appointment if the company is struck off the register as a result of an application to the Registrar of Companies for the purpose. ...