如此前 ESN 备案时我们提醒的一样,如所有开曼群岛实体务必向开曼税务局(TIA)呈交经济实质声明(ESN)。 所有落入经济实质法案规管范围的实体,均需要履行呈交经济实质申报(ESR)的额外义务。近日,开曼群岛国际税务合作局(DITC)宣布了一系列有关经济实质申报的重点更新。如果ESN 申报为INSCOPE 的公司,后续会有 ES Rep...
The International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2020 Revision) (as amended, the Substance Law) imposes economic substance requirements on companies, LLCs and LLPs in the Cayman Islands.
Cayman Islands’ Economic Substance Return process explained, including deadlines and steps for compliance.
Companies formed or registered in the Cayman Islands have been subject to economic substance requirements from 1 January 2019 pursuant to the International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act, as amended (ES Law) in respect of certain geographically mobile types of business (Relevant Activities...
注:2024年2月8日,开曼群岛政府官方公报颁布了《国际税务合作(经济实质)法》(2024 年修订版)(International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2024 Revision)),并追溯自2024 年 1 月 1 日起生效。该法通过修改,澄清了出于“相关活动”(Relevant activity)目的的“本地合伙企业”(Local partnership)的概...
如此前ESN备案时我们提醒的一样,如所有开曼群岛实体务必向开曼税务局(TIA)呈交经济实质声明(ESN)。 所有落入经济实质法案规管范围的实体,均需要履行呈交经济实质申报(ESR)的额外义务。 近日,开曼群岛国际税务合作局(DITC)宣布了一系列有关经济实质申报的重点更新。如果ESN申报为INSCOPE的公司,后续会有ES Reporting...
1. From 2019, the economic substance act of Cayman will come into force. The newly registered Cayman company must meet the economic substance act of Cayman to judge whether a company meets the economic substance act of Cayman: ① See if the company has revenue generating core business in Caym...
在经合组织OECD、欧盟EU全球税收透明化、反避税重压下,全球主要的离岸注册地已纷纷出台《经济实质法》Economic Substance Act。 2017年底,欧盟公布首批“不合作地区”名单,其中17个“黑名单”和47个灰名单(BVI被列为其中,遭到被欧盟警告)。2018年3月,BVI政府宣布积极响应欧盟要求,于当年12月出台《经济实质法》,并...
Economic substance rulesMauritius and taxationTaxation of companies in MauritiusCayman Islands and economic substanceCorporate tax in MauritiusVarious low-tax jurisdictions including Mauritius, have been often accused of usurping the just share of taxes of other countries. Given the adverse impact on the ...