For me, it’s finding my favorite flavor of ice cream on sale, it’s getting to the satisfying ending of a book I’ve loved and knowing that everyone lived more or less happily ever after, it’s time spent with family, enjoying the Summer games together and listening to my youngest ...
For 162 million years, sturgeons have fended off everything they’ve faced. Now scientists are racing to save these living fossils.
it has the Caviar logo near the top andMade on Earth by humans— a phrase synonymous with Tesla — towards the bottom. The left side of the iPhone has a few more demarcations highlighting the brand, as well as an X — for iPhone X — and a signifier of the 24K gold used. ...
I love them separately, I love them together. I do so love them on a plane, I would happily chow down on them on a train. I would eat them with a goat (but he better not try to get any) I would eat them near a moat. I will so eat them sam I am. I would eat them in ...
pretty anal about it.), I’ve been lazy. And being me, I have felt guilty about being lazy. I haven’t been giving my family the baked goods they love nor keeping up in here. But now, with the weather getting colder, I, like so many of you, am back to baking. Yay for baking...