Cavan Scott. Writer: Vienna. Cavan Scott is known for Vienna (2013), Blake's 7: The Classic Adventures (2013) and Blake's 7: The Liberator Chronicles (2012).
By: Cavan Scott Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 By: Daniel José OlderIllustrated By: Harvey Tolibao Into The Dark By: Claudia Gray Star Wars: The High Republic #1 By: Cavan ScottIllustrated By: Ario Anindito, Phil Noto
Star Wars Adventures: The Lost Eggs of Livorno(五月 9, 2020)Season 9, Episode 16-Writer (comic) 2 Self(4 titles) Funny Science Fiction Podcast(2025) (Podcast Series)-Self - Guest(1 episode, 2025) The Rising Storm - A Conversation with Cavan Scott(一月 22, 2025)Season 4, Episode 219...
Cavan Scott (born 18 April 1973), is a New York Times bestselling comic writer and author. He is best known for his work on a variety of spin-offs from both Doctor Who and Star Wars, as well as comics and novels for Teen Titans Black Adam, Ghostbusters, Transformers, Back to the Fu...
2 About Cavan Cavan Scott is a New York Times bestselling author whose work includes novels, television, comic books, and award-winning audio dramas. He has written for many high-profile series includingStar Wars,Batman,Doctor Who,Assassin's Creed,Pacific Rim,Transformers,Back to the Future,Sta...
Back in January, theHigh Republicera ofStar Warslaunched with the release ofLight of Jedi. Several moreHigh Republictitles have come out in the interim but today sees the release of the direct follow-up toLight of the Jedias author Cavan Scott takes the reins withThe Rising Stormwhich is ...
By this point, hopefully you’ve had a chance to read Cavan Scott’sStar Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm, the second novel inThe High Republicpublishing program. Picking up right after the events of the series’ first novel,Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi,The Ri...