Recaredo 产区: 西班牙 Spain>卡瓦 Cava 酿酒葡萄: 马家婆沙雷洛帕雷亚达 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥1150 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“雷卡里多酒庄特级珍藏自然卡瓦干型起泡酒(Recaredo Gran Reserva Brut Nature, Cava, Spain) ”的酒款综述
酒庄: Recaredo 产区:西班牙 Spain > 卡瓦Cava 酿酒葡萄: 马家婆 沙雷洛 帕雷亚达 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥488 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“Recaredo Gran Reserva Brut Nature Cava, Catalonia, Spain ”的酒款综述 猜你喜欢 唐庭霞露丝旅红葡萄酒 中国» 天山北麓|唐庭霞露酒庄 赤霞珠、梅洛 ...
Cava can be produced to a range of dryness levels, including rosé Cava, by adding a small percentage of red wine to the blend. The levels ofdosage, from driest to sweetest, are Brut Nature, Extra Brut, Brut, Extra Seco, Seco, Semi-Seco and Dulce. ...
A few years later, in 1955, Josep Maria Capellades, from the Recaredo family, decisively introduced the use of cork stoppers to produce these long-aged wines. It was a decision that we know completely changed the evolution of these wines, taking them to heights unattainable by any other means...
2007 Mestres Coquet Gran Reserva Cava ($27) The Mestres family has been making Cavas like this honey-scented one since 1925. 2008 Recaredo Brut Nature Cava ($35) Recaredo is one of the only Cava producers to use entirely estate-grown grapes. This bottling shows the bodega's style well:...
Gramona Brand Argent Reserva Brut Vintage 2009 Wine Type Sparkling Colour White Country Spain Region Penedès Appellation Cava Alcohol 12.00% Valuation & stockists Berry Bros & Rudd £40.00 Christopher Keiller £40.00 Woodwinters £40.00
Recaredo Subtil Gran Reserva Brut Nature, Cava, Spain 雷卡里多酒庄苏比提特级珍藏天然极干型卡瓦起泡酒 葡萄酒类型:起泡酒 酿酒葡萄:沙雷洛霞多丽 产区:西班牙 Spain>卡瓦 Cava 酒庄:Recaredo Recaredo资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: Recaredo 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE ...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“雷卡里多酒庄特级珍藏自然卡瓦干型起泡酒(Recaredo Gran Reserva Brut Nature, Cava, Spain) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自西班牙加泰罗尼亚的起泡酒,采用马家婆、沙雷洛、帕雷亚达酿造而成。这款酒散发着矿物质、杏仁和苹果的美妙香气,酒体饱满,口感醇厚,余味清爽且悠长。
酒庄:Recaredo Recaredo资料 ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: Recaredo 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料 ABOUT GRAPE 葡萄品种名: 马家婆(Macabeo) 中文别名: 维奥娜、马卡贝奥、玛咖贝奥、马卡比奥、马卡波、维尤拉、维乌拉 英文别名: Alcanol, Blanca de Daroca, Charas Blanc, Cola de Renard, Forcalla, Gredelin, Lardot,...
Recaredo 产区: 西班牙 Spain>卡瓦 Cava 酿酒葡萄: 沙雷洛霞多丽 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“雷卡里多酒庄苏比提特级珍藏天然极干型卡瓦起泡酒(Recaredo Subtil Gran Reserva Brut Nature, Cava, Spain) ”的酒款综述 ...