If your child's bowel movementssuddenlychange – that is, hepoops more than usualand passes looser, more watery stools than usual – then it's probably diarrhea. An occasional stool that's looser than normal for your baby or child, though, is generally nothing to worry about. Most cases ...
In older babies and children, green poop can be due to a sensitivity to a new food or viral or bacterial infection. If you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s poop, check with your pediatrician. Baby Formula and Green Poop Certain formulas can give baby’s poop a green hue...
Diaper dermatitis, also known as diaper rash, is one of the most common conditions among infants,affecting more than half of babies.A baby with diaper rash will have irritated, tender, and flaky skin in the diapered area. RELATED BABY TOOL ...
Diarrhoea leads to the watery stools. It can cause dehydration in babies.CausesIt is commonly caused due to exposure to a virus known as rotavirus. Bacterial strains such as campylobacter, salmonella, escherichia coli can also cause diarrhoea. Another common cause is contaminated food and parasites...
Occasionally, green, mucus-like poop can be caused by a virus commonly seen in babies. If your child has green poop and symptoms of diarrhea, fever, or irritability, call your pediatrician. Baby Diarrhea Treatments Doctors usually don't recommend over-the-counter diarrhea medicines for children....
Diarrhea looks like loose, watery stools—and there’s a lot of it. It may occur numerous times throughout the day and may leak out your baby’s diaper Breastfed and formula-fed babies’ stool usually differs in color and consistency, so knowing what to look for may help you identify di...
Diarrhea is a common type of gastrointestinal upset or infection. It causes frequent and excessive discharging of the bowels in the form of abnormally waterystoolsand stomach pains. If you or one of your children recently developed diarrhea, the first question you likely ask is, “Can you tell...
Stages of Cholera Cholera impacts the body in three stages, often moving from one to another quickly. Stage one is known as the evacuation stage. It lasts for three to 12 hours, and you can have symptoms that include stomach cramps, vomiting, watery diarrhea, and thirst. ...
Every baby cries sometimes. But for about one in five babies, the crying does not settle down after the infant is three or four months old. This persistent day-and-night crying is known as colic. There are many causes of colic in babies, which can include overfeeding. Make sure to limi...
Most people get sick within one day of ingesting norovirus (range 12-48 hours) so the virus has a short incubation period. Symptoms and signs include vomiting, watery diarrhea, or both. fever occurs in one-third to one-half of infected people, ...