and one of those is glaucoma, where there’s progressive damage to the nerve at the back of the eye that leads to distortion in your peripheral vision and in more severe cases can also impact on your central vision.
Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes Black spots Flashing lights Difficulty reading or seeing detailed work.Hypertensive retinopathy— There are often no symptoms. Some people complain of blurred vision.Central serous retinopathy— Symptoms include:Blurred...
the shape of your cornea is abnormal but in a consistent way. This causes light to bend as it enters your eye, distorting images. Doctors don't know what causes it. When you have keratoconus, the distortion in your cornea isn't uniform. Your...
headaches in addition to blurring and distortion of vision at all distances. What Are the Exams and Tests to Diagnose Astigmatism? The diagnosis of astigmatism is easily made during the course of a complete eye examination. Astigmatism is detected by your eye doctor (ophthalmologist) by either che...
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of poor vision after age 60. AMD is a deterioration or breakdown of the macula. The macula is a small area at the center of the retina in the back of the eye that allows us to see fine details clearly and perfor...
Vision changes, like blurring or narrowing of the visual field Feeling physically weak Feeling sleepy Feeling irritable High blood sugar(hyperglycemia) is common in type 2 diabetes. Its signs and symptoms can be either acute (short in duration) or chronic (last over a long period of time). ...
Glaucoma and macular degeneration are both serious conditions that affect the eye and can cause vision loss. Learn more about the two forms of glaucoma and the two forms of macular degeneration, understand how they affect the eyes, and study the vocabulary around them. Related...
A macular pucker affects the central part of the retina known as the macula. This is the part responsible for the central area of a person's visual field. This is also the part of the retina with the most sensory receptors, which is why the center of one's vision is the most ...
(the muscle that lifts the upper eyelids). It may be associated with strabismus (crossed/misaligned eye or squint). If left uncorrected, it can lead to amblyopia (poor vision development) or astigmatism (vision distortion). In cases where the eyelid covers the pupil, surgery is definitely ...
Corneal procedures, particularlylaser eye correction procedures, are usually preferred overlens surgery. Types of Vision Problems There are four main types of common vision problems. Myopia (nearsightedness) where the focal point falls short of the fovea of the retina. ...