Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a mental disorder that causes people to have periods of intense anger and sudden outbursts without any reason. It can make you aggressive and even violent. You might yell, get in fights, throw or break things, abuse others, and have road rage. This ...
If your dog has seizures often, they may have a seizure disorder. Another name for that is epilepsy. Abnormal, uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in your dog's brain causeseizures, affecting how they look and behave. Seizures in dogs can look like atwitchor uncontrollable shaking and c...
It can increase the risk of depression and suicide. It can play a role in violent crimes, including homicide and domestic violence (abuse of a spouse or child). It can lead to traffic accidents and even accidents involving intoxicated pedestrians who decide to walk home after drinking. AUD ...
Symptoms may be mild at first. Most common are cough showing mucus or blood; high fever with shaking chills; shortness of breath; headache; fatigue; and sharp chest pain on deep breathing or coughing. Medical care is needed right away. If not treated,viral pneumoniacan lead to respiratory a...
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. It occurs after a blow to the head, violent shaking or movement, or fall. You may lose consciousness, however, losing consciousness is not necessary for aconcussion. Symptoms usually occur within 7 to 10 days of the injury. According to a 2003...
Alcohol is involved in 40% of motor-vehicle fatalities, 70% of drownings, 50% of suicides, and up to 40% of violent crimes, including homicide, rape, assault, and child and spousal abuse. It is imperative emergency care be sought immediately when alcohol has contributed to an injury. This...
Risk factors for Lewy body dementia include a family history of the condition, older age, havingParkinson’s disease, and having a condition calledREM (rapid eye movement) sleep behavior disorder, which causes people to physically act out vivid, sometimes violent, dreams in their sleep. ...
Risk factors for Lewy body dementia include a family history of the condition, older age, havingParkinson’s disease, and having a condition calledREM (rapid eye movement) sleep behavior disorder, which causes people to physically act out vivid, sometimes violent, dreams in their sleep. ...
Violent or emotional outbursts whilst drinking Hostile and defensive when confronted about drinking Inability to restrict and moderate alcohol consumption Shirk responsibilities and commitments to school, college or work because of alcohol consumption ...
and rain events have become more violent and dangerous, damaging crops and producing more intense flooding. This change has subjected some areas under the monsoon’s influence to extended drought conditions, whereas other areas receive too much rainfall, a pattern that scientists predict will worsen ...