Prices in Zimbabwe nearly doubled every day – goods and services would cost twice as much each following day. With the unemployment rate exceeding 70%, economic activities in Zimbabwe virtually shut down and turned the domestic economy into a barter economy. ...
The perceived effects of project failure included revenue loss, discouraged investment, and unemployment. Project failure increased the initial cost of projects, impacted economic growth, led to the provision of substandard infrastructure and service relocation. Other effects of project failure were loss ...
This may mean that public policy, rather than focusing on interventions should focus more on the real causes of crime. Studies in the US from the 1970s pointed to the link between unemployment, poverty and crime. Other links have since been established, such as income level, time spent at ...
suggests that these differences are much more pronounced in Moroccoand Egypt than in Ghana and Senegal, possibly reflecting gendernorms that are influenced by Islam in the former two countries. Forboth men and women, economic reasons (such as unemployment orinsufficient income or more generally the...
Prices in Zimbabwe nearly doubled every day – goods and services would cost twice as much each following day. With the unemployment rate exceeding 70%, economic activities in Zimbabwe virtually shut down and turned the domestic economy into a barter economy. ...