Spasmodic Croup A child with spasmodic croup often looks fairly healthy before coughing starts. Episodes of cough and loud, raspy breathing generally start without warning. They typically occur in the middle of the night. These symptoms often will pass if the child is carried into cool night air...
Seek medical care if you are experiencingchest painor tightness, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or a spasmodiccoughthat worsens at night. Treatment may incorporate the use of long-term control medications and quick-relief medicines. When the inflammation is "triggered" by any number of external and...
Spasmodic croupis less common. It comes on suddenly, often in the middle of the night. Doctors believe it may be caused by an allergy or reflux from the stomach. That happens when contents from your baby’s stomach move back up into their esophagus. Other things can cause a cough that s...
儿童咳嗽的病因及症状(Causes and symptoms of cough in children) Causes and symptoms of cough in children There are many causes of cough in children. The invasion of the nasopharynx, tonsils, trachea, bronchi and lungs is the common cause of coughing in children. For the respiratory tract inflam...